CSOs appeal to the PM re: migration strategy (18.10.202024)


Following the adoption of the “Take Back Control. Ensure Security. Poland's Comprehensive and Responsible Migration Strategy for 2025-2030” document, we appealed to the Prime Minister to convene a roundtable with the participation of human rights organizations.

As social organizations working for the protection of human and civil rights, we call for respect of these rights. We also raise objections to the ineffective, in our opinion, solutions presented in the strategy in the area of integration and social cohesion.

Our deep concern is also aroused by the atmosphere of disregard against organizations providing legal and humanitarian care to refugees and migrants. We are aware of the problems and dangers associated with the instrumentalization and militarization of the migration problem. However, we believe, and have the evidence to prove it, that security and border control is possible precisely with respect for human rights and international agreements.

We have appealed to the Prime Minister to soften the language of the debate on migration policy. In the face of growing anti-migrant rhetoric, which can threaten the security of those already in Poland, we expect government representatives to be more responsible in formulating statements about refugees, migrants and those providing them with assistance.