Article 29.05.2014 1 min. read Text Privacy is not about hiding things that we want to keep secret. It is about our right to choose, when, for what purpose and who can see certain data about us. It’s about control. Even data that might seem meaningless, like separate internet application logs or IP address that changes apparently with every new session, but put together they might reveal a lot about Internet user with surprising accuracy. We might lose track of what we have put online, but Internet doesn’t forget. It may even guess things that you never told anybody. Unfortunately usage of digital shadow, especially for profiling purposes, is not regulated by law. What can you do to reduce your digital shadow or stop others form using it against you? Katarzyna Szymielewicz presents problems regarding usage of digital shadow by public and private entities and recommends action, which might be taken to protect ourselves or change rules of the game. Watch video (YouTube) Download presentation [PDF] Fundacja Panoptykon Author Topic personal data Previous Next See also Article The right to explanation of creditworthiness assessment – first such law in Europe Thanks to Panoptykon’s initiative bank customers in Poland will have the right to receive explanation of their creditworthiness. It’s the first right of this kind in Europe and a higher standard than the one envisioned in the GDPR. 12.06.2019 Text Article New chair of the Polish DPA appointed Jan Nowak, previously a general manager at the DPA’s office and a long-term member of PiS, the ruling party, will become the new chair of the Polish Data Protection Authority. The nomination raised controversy as to whether Jan Nowak meets the legal requirements for this position. 11.04.2019 Text Article Panoptykon files complaints against Google and IAB Europe On the International Data Protection Day, 28 January 2019, Panoptykon Foundation filed complaints against Google and IAB Europe under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to the Polish Data Protection Authority (DPA). The complaints are related to the functioning of online behavioural… 28.01.2019 Text