Article DSA: Polish translation needs correction. Transparency rules for recommender systems do apply to smaller platforms as well We found an essential mistake in the Polish official translation of the Article 27 of Digital Services Act: 11.05.2023 Text
Podcast Algorithms of Trauma 2. How Facebook Feeds on Your Fears Worried about your health? Facebook won’t let you forget. 07.12.2023 Audio
other Safe by Default – Panoptykon Foundation and People vs BigTech’s Briefing Moving away from engagement-based rankings towards safe, rights-respecting, and human centric recommender systems. 05.03.2024
other Joint Submission on the Commission’s Guidelines for Providers of VLOPs and VLOSEs on the Mitigation of Systemic Risks for Electoral Processes Part 1 introduces how recommender systems contribute to systemic risks. Part 2 responds to the Commission’s proposals to moderate virality of content that threatens the integrity of the electoral process. 07.03.2024
Article Polish attempt at a “transparency report” In our first attempt at a “transparency report”, we looked at what happens at the interface of Internet service providers and public authorities in Poland. Who sends requests for users' data? How many and for what purpose? What legal procedures are followed and what safeguards apply? Our pilot study includes analysis of legal provisions and collection of data from both major Internet Service Providers and public authorities. The report explains systemic problems that were identified in our research and that should be solved in order to ensure adequate standard of protection for individuals. 07.05.2014 Text