Article ACTA, European Realpolitik, and Polish Society Poland has a history of interesting revolutions, including its famous, peaceful transition in 1989. No one, however, reasonably expected that the country would become the hub of a very unusual, civic revolt: a grassroots, non-partisan—some even say “cultural”—movement against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). 10.04.2012 Text
Article More Surveillance Powers? 'We Must Demand Proof' of Effectiveness "All indications are that the attack on the editorial offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo will provide a pretext for the introduction of further limits on our civil liberties - a new order the victims of which are unlikely to be terrorists … Independent analyses confirm that data inflation and the growing use of algorithms in intelligence work do not improve the effectiveness of threat detection. 21.01.2015 Text
Article Big Data for Big Impact – but not only a positive one Technology has changed and keeps dramatically changing our everyday life by transforming the human species to advanced networked societies. To celebrate this digital revolution, 17 May is dedicated to the “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” (WTISD-17). 17.05.2017 Text
other European Commission: uphold privacy, security and free expression by withdrawing new law 19.10.2022
other Open Letter: Civil society call for a Digital Services Act that benefits people and is compatible with human rights 02.03.2022