other Response to the notion addressed by the special investigation commission formed to explain the Pegasus use in Poland Panoptykon and Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights responded to the notion directed to us by Marcin Bosacki, MP, requiring if the two organisations directed complaints to the European Court of Human Rights regarding the use of Pegasus or similar spyware agains Polish citizens 15.03.2024
other Comments on selected key elements of the proposal for the Law Enforcement Data Protection Directive 26.11.2015
other Panoptykon’s opinion to the art. 11a of the draft law implementing the DSA (dated December 13, 2024) We are concerned that the procedure proposed in the draft law for the issuance of orders preventing access to content by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications does not guarantee adequate protection of the fundamental rights of internet users, and as a result 15.01.2025
Article Three layers of your digital profile Your online profile is not always built on facts. It is shaped by technology companies and advertisers who make key decisions based on their interpretation of seemingly benign data points: what movies you choose watch, the time of day you tweet, or how long you take to click on a cat video. 18.03.2019 Text